Is bad customer service burning your bottom line?

Is bad customer service burning your bottom line?

How many time have you visited a website, clicked on the live chat box and got the message saying, “Sorry, support is offline. Please leave an email and we’ll respond in 24 hours.”

Go on, raise your hand. 

How about the time you picked up the phone and called customer service, only to spend 30 mins on hold listening to boring opera music before finally being connected to a service rep who didn’t know the answer to your question, and transferred you to another person. 

Unfortunately, most of you know exactly what I’m talking about. It happens all the time. And, customer hate it, a lot. 

How much?

Consider this:

71% of consumers expect their questions to be answered in 5 minutes or less. 


89% have stopped doing business with a company because of a bad experience. 

The takeaway?

Bad customer service is the fastest way to lose existing customers, and deter others from ever stepping foot in your front door. It costs US businesses $84 billion a year. 

Despite the bottom line impact, most companies still fail to make support and retention a #1 priority. More resource are given to acquisition. This is very costly, especially when you consider it is 6-7 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than keep an existing one. 

To highlight the true cost of poor service for any business, the team at JitBit Help desk have put together the infographic below. It explores the financial costs, lists the top reasons why customers jump ship to the competition, identifies which segments of your customer base are least tolerant of bad service, and highlights how minor service improvements can increase your bottom line 25%-95%.


Bio: Robbie Richards writes for JitBit, a company that provides live chat and helpdesk software to help businesses simplify and improve their customer support.

For more insights, check out The Nice Guys on Business Podcast

For more insights, check out The Nice Guys on Business Podcast